Drawdown Advice



Drawdown Advice, Provided by Howard Wright

In today’s environment, many of our clients are opting for pension drawdown. This approach allows you to keep your capital invested whilst drawing a regular income. This income does not need to be fixed and can be increased, decreased or stopped completely should you so wish. You are also able to draw lump sums as and when required.

Drawdown offers the flexibility to remain invested for life or to delay purchasing an annuity until rates become more favourable, potentially providing better value for your money should this be the best solution for you.

However, this flexibility comes with its own set of challenges. Your pension fund remains invested, which means it’s subject to market fluctuations. Poor investment performance or significant market downturns could potentially deplete your fund before your life expectancy. Even in a growth environment, if you are withdrawing income at an unsustainable level you may find your pension is depleted prior to your life expectancy.

At Howard Wright, we address this concern by working with you to establish a sustainable income based upon your requirements and your risk capacity and tolerance. Howard Wright offer a range of risk-focused, actively managed and passive investment portfolios. These are specifically designed to help our clients meet their retirement income goals while managing investment risks.

It is important to start preparing for your retirement income choices as you approach your retirement and not once you achieve your retirement age. If drawdown is deemed suitable for your circumstances, you should utilise an investment strategy as you approach retirement relevant to your retirement preferences. This strategy may differ for those that wish to use the full fund to provide an income when compared to those that would like to draw some or all of their tax free cash up front.

If drawdown is the preferred option, It is also crucial to review your existing pension arrangements to ensure they offer drawdown as an option prior to achieving retirement age. As with any invested contract it is important that you also review your pension a periodic basis to ensure it remains on track to meet your requirements. Once you are drawing your income from your pension we would recommend an annual review of your financial position to re-assess the suitability of drawdown for your circumstances. This review process allows us ensure your strategy continues to align with your retirement objectives and risk tolerance, providing you with a more flexible approach to your pension income.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Drawdown Advice

Income drawdown allows retirees to withdraw money from their pension pot as needed, rather than purchasing an annuity. This method provides flexibility by:

  • Control over withdrawals: You can decide how much and when to withdraw funds, allowing you to manage your income based on your needs.
  • Investment growth: The remaining pension pot stays invested, potentially growing and providing more income over time. The funds could fall in value however, possibly reducing the sustainable income or leading to the funds being depleted.
  • Adapting to changes: You can adjust withdrawals based on changes in your financial situation, health, or lifestyle.

While income drawdown offers flexibility, it also comes with risks:

  • Investment risk: The value of your pension pot can go down as well as up, depending on the performance of your investments.
  • Longevity risk: There’s a risk of outliving your pension pot if withdrawals are too high or investment returns are lower than expected.
  • Market fluctuations: Market volatility can impact the value of your investments, especially if withdrawals coincide with market downturns.
  • Complexity: Managing an income drawdown strategy can be complex and may require ongoing monitoring and adjustments.

To make your income drawdown tax-efficient, consider the following:

  • Personal allowance: Withdraw amounts that keep you within your annual personal allowance to minimise tax.
  • Tax-free lump sum: Take advantage of the 25% tax-free lump sum available from your pension pot. This doesn’t need to be fully withdrawn on day one. If you have no capital requirements you could draw this periodically or as a tax free monthly income.
  • Tax brackets: Plan withdrawals to avoid moving into a higher tax bracket.
  • Professional advice: Consult with a financial adviser to develop a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy tailored to your circumstances.

When choosing an income drawdown strategy, consider the following factors:

  • Retirement goals: Define your financial goals and how income drawdown fits into your overall retirement plan.
  • Withdrawal rate: Determine a sustainable withdrawal rate that balances your income needs with the longevity of your pension pot.
  • Investment strategy: Choose an investment strategy that aligns with your risk tolerance and income requirements.
  • Fees and charges: Be aware of the fees and charges associated with your pension plan and investments, as these can impact your overall returns.
  • Health and life expectancy: Consider your health and potential life expectancy when planning withdrawals to ensure your funds last throughout retirement.
  • Regular reviews: Regularly review and adjust your drawdown strategy based on changes in your financial situation and market conditions.

Disclaimer: This article contains information from sources believed to be reliable but no guarantee, warranty, or representation, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy or completeness. Howard Wright Ltd does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any future statements. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investments can go down as well as up and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated. This article is for information purposes only and has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person as such, the information contained in this article is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment or financial advice. Appropriate personalised advice should be taken before entering into any transactions. No responsibility can be accepted for any loss arising from action taken or refrained from based on this publication. Howard Wright Ltd is Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


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