You may have noticed the 24-hour news cycle frequently asking, “What will the Fed do next?” as they attempt, often unsuccessfully, to predict the next move in global markets.

The Federal Reserve (Fed), the central bank of the United States, plays a crucial role in shaping global financial markets, including those in the UK. Its influence can often be more emotional than scientific, driving investor sentiment and gut-feel decisions. Nevertheless, its policies and decisions hold significant relevance to UK investment markets for several key reasons:

Global Financial Influence

The U.S. economy is the largest in the world, and its financial markets are deeply interconnected with global markets. Therefore, the Fed’s monetary policy decisions—such as changes in interest rates or quantitative easing—have a substantial impact on global liquidity and capital flows. These policies affect investment sentiment, risk appetite, and capital allocation decisions worldwide, including in the UK.

Impact on Exchange Rates

The Fed’s policies directly affect the U.S. dollar, which is the world’s primary reserve currency. When the Fed adjusts interest rates, it influences the strength of the dollar relative to other currencies, such as the British pound. A stronger dollar can weaken the pound, affecting the cost of imports and exports between the two nations, and impacting UK businesses that rely on international trade. Furthermore, shifts in exchange rates can alter the relative value of returns for UK investors holding U.S. assets.

Interest Rate Parity

The Fed’s interest rate decisions can cause shifts in global interest rate expectations. For UK investors, changes in U.S. rates often prompt anticipatory moves by the Bank of England, either to maintain competitive interest rates or manage inflation and economic growth. These shifts affect bond yields, mortgage rates, and other interest-sensitive elements of the UK economy. In recent years, this has been a prominent issue as rising interest rates have become a significant public concern.

Investor Sentiment and Market Dynamics

The Fed’s outlook on the U.S. economy—particularly its assessments of employment, inflation, and economic growth—can sway global market sentiment. Positive or negative signals from the Fed can trigger risk-on or risk-off behaviour, impacting UK equities, bonds, and other asset classes. Investors often look to the Fed’s analysis and forward guidance to make pre-emptive adjustments to their portfolios.

Impact on Commodities and Global Trade

The Fed’s monetary policy also affects commodity prices, many of which are denominated in U.S. dollars. For the UK, which imports a considerable amount of raw materials, changes in these prices can influence inflation and corporate profit margins. Moreover, since the U.S. is a major trading partner for many countries, any economic measures impacting U.S. trade will have ripple effects on global trade networks, including those connected to the UK.


For these reasons, the Fed’s decisions are closely monitored by UK investors, financial analysts, and policymakers. The interconnectedness of the global economy means that even domestic decisions by the Fed can ripple outward, affecting financial conditions and economic prospects in the UK and beyond. While these factors are beyond our control or influence, it’s up to you to decide how much weight you give to the constant noise about “What the Fed might do next.”

At Howard Wright Financial Planning, our team of Chartered Financial Planners can help you navigate these complex market dynamics. We provide tailored advice and guidance to help you make informed decisions when investing your hard eared money to align with your financial goals.

What to do Next?

To discuss your financial planning needs, contact Ashley Smith one of our Chartered Financial Planners at Howard Wright, you can call him on 0345 688 4939 or you can fill in our enquiry form below, it only takes 20 seconds to complete. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing how Ashley can help plan your financial future.

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