What is Passive Investing?
What is Active Investing?
What is Hybrid Investing?
How can Howard Wright help me and my Investment Portfolio?
When investing your money, choosing an investment strategy can be as important as the risk level that you take. There are thousands of different investment funds available to you as an investor which can usually be classified into one of three investment strategies; Passive, Active or hybrid (a combination of Active and Passive). This is a debate in the investment world that has raged for many years and will likely continue for many more. This article is going to look at what passive and active investing is, the advantages and disadvantages of each and help you to understand which approach could be best for you and your investment portfolio.
What is Passive Investing?
What is Active Investing?
Overall, both passive and active investing have their own benefits and drawbacks, and the choice between the two will depend on an individual’s investment goals, risk tolerance, and available time and resources. A combination of both strategies (hybrid) may be used to achieve a balance of returns and risk.
What is Hybrid Investing?
How can Howard Wright help me and my investment portfolio?
At Howard Wright, we offer different investment strategies for our clients and when investing your money we will discuss with you the pros and cons of each investment type and help you to choose the approach that is best to achieve your objectives.

Free Financial Review
If you would like to discuss your Investment options and what is best for you and your investment portfolio with Ashley Smith one of our Chartered Financial Planners at Howard Wright, you can call him on 0345 688 4939 or you can fill in our enquiry form below, it only takes 20 seconds to complete. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing how Ashley can help.
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