Our History
Since the 1930’s Howard Wright have helped insure and plan financial futures. Established in Wolverhampton we have a long success history.
Our Beginnings
The Business was established in the 1930’s by our founder Howard Wright, from whom the company takes its name. The business was involved in a multitude of industries including insurance, finance and shipping, with over 10 offices across the UK.

1930 – 1950
The company is founded by Howard Wright.
Howard Wright’s cousin John Wright Hamblett joins the business, developing the commercial insurance side.
John Hamblett was joined by John Bright in the 1950’s developing the business further and moved to new offices on Princess Street in Wolverhampton.

1980 – 2000
John’s sons Chris & David Hamblett, purchased John Bright’s share of Howard Wright in the mid 1980’s. Together they developed the General Insurance Division from their office on Stafford Street.
Mike Walker joined Howard Wright in September 1981 and created the Pensions and Investments Division, alongside the Hamblett brothers.
Mike Richards joined the team in March 1982 at the age of 17.
In 1988 Mike Richards left Howard Wright and worked for a national brokerage based in London. Mike returned to Howard Wright in 1991 as an Appointed Representative.
In 1991 Fred McGrath joined Howard Wright to work alongside Mike Walker and it was then soon after that they moved the business to 16 Waterloo Road, with Jenny Downes joing the team in 1994.
In the photograph below Mike and Fred are seen reading the Financial Times in the early 90’s. The same newspaper that has ranked us as one of their top 100 firms for 2021.

2001 – 2006
Natalie Everson approached Mike & Jo Richards in 2001 as an Undergraduate for her 12 months work placement from Aston University. This was new territory for everyone and after the sucess of Natalie’s work placement it is an opportunity that we still offer today. Natalie then returned to join the team full time after completing her degree.
Gareth Robinson joined in 2002 whilst completing his degree and became a full-time member of the team in 2004, graduating from Aston University.
In 2006 Mike Walker & Fred McGrath retired, selling the shares of Howard Wright Life & Pensions to Mike & Jo Richards, giving them 100% ownership of Howard Wright.

Mike & Jo’s Ownership
- Romana Koutna joins the team to further strengthen the administration department.
- Gareth develops and implements the Howard Wright Investment Proposition.
- Stephen Cook joins the team as a trainee consultant, becoming Chartered in 2016 and a Fellow of the CII in 2018.
2010 – 2014
- 2010 Ashely Smith joins the team also as a trainee consultant gaining Chartered status in 2016.
- 2011 Sees Gareth become Chartered and a Fellow.
- 2013 Howard Wright move to our new offices in Codsall.
- 2014 Liva Skulme joins the team as an apprentice to help with the administration, whilst also studying her CII Exams, becoming Chartered in 2021.
- Gareth becomes Managing Director of Howard Wright and Natalie Operations Director.
- Mike and Jo’s son Tom joins the team as an apprentice studying business administration.
- Howard Wright completes its 2nd acquisition in Henley-in- Arden.
2017 – 2019
- William Rees & Abi Graves both join the team as apprentices.
- 2017 Howard Wright gains Chartered status by our governing body the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), the highest accreditation available for a firm of financial advisers.
- In 2019 we invested heavily into our back-office system further streamlining our administration process and further reducing our carbon footprint.
- William Rees becomes level 4 qualified in 2019 and Abi is now a trainee Adviser.

- Ashley becomes Director of New Business.
- Howard Wright completes its 3rd acquisition in Bridgnorth Shropshire.
- The previous investment into our back-office system worked brilliantly as we were able to operate remotely even before the pandemic started. This enabled us to sucessfully navigate through the pandemic, without having to furlough any members of the team. We were also able to support our clients remotely via Teams and Zoom enabling us to keep everyone updated and to provide constant reassurance.
- Liva Skulme becomes Chartered and our Compliance Manager.
- Howard Wright completes its 4th acquisition in Oxford and in December 2021 Howard Wright is awarded ‘FT Adviser top 100 Status’ one of our greatest achievements to date.

- Sarah Green joins the team to work alongside our administration department.
- Howard Wright completes it’s 5th acquisition based in Solihull.
- We become the first firm of financial planners in the UK to parter with Fidelity International creating a bespoke investment proposition for our Clients.
In October 2022 we partnered with Fidelity International, launching two custom-designed OEIC funds for our clients, known as the Fidelity Strategic Growth Portfolio and the Fidelity Strategic Defensive Portfolio.
The funds are managed by Ayesha Akbar, Caroline Shaw, and Sudi Gupta, portfolio managers at Fidelity’s Solutions & Multi-Asset team and have been designed to provide global exposure to a diversified range of assets.
The Fidelity Strategic Defensive Portfolio
Has at least 70% exposure to lower-risk investments such as debt instruments, including global government bonds, global corporate bonds and cash.
The Fidelity Strategic Growth Portfolio
Has at least 70% exposure to higher-risk investments such as global equities, global emerging market equities and global smaller companies.
Gareth Robinson, Managing Director, at Howard Wright said:“We chose to work with Fidelity due to their deep investment knowledge and long-standing reputation as a world-class investment solutions and services provider. The portfolios are the next stage in the development of our business and service proposition to our clients. The partnership between their trusted adviser and a global asset manager should provide reassurance and knowledge to our clients that their investments are being looked after”
Russell Lancaster, head of UK intermediary sales at Fidelity, said: “We’re pleased to have been working with Howard Wright on these bespoke products and look forward to developing our partnership with them in the future. It is just one example of how our solutions business can help advisers address the need for increasingly complex investment propositions, leveraging our Multi-Asset team’s expertise.”
“Fidelity has over 2.84 million customers globally, operates in 27 locations globally and is responsible for total client assets of £546.9 billion. Source: Fidelity International as at 30 June 2022.”
“To be the first firm of Financial Planners in the UK to partner with Fidelity to create a bespoke proposition for our clients. This is an incredible achievement and a real milestone. I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the project and I look forward to seeing how we can develop our relationship with Fidelity for the benefit of our clients and Howard Wright in the years to come”Mike Richards, Chairman

- In April 2023 we partnered with the University of Wolverhampton to create a Fast Track Partnership to provide a clear career path with Financial Services.“The Fast Track Partnership between Howard Wright Financial Planning and the University of Wolverhampton will provide a clear career path within financial services. It offers real-world experience leading to a Diploma Qualification and the opportunity to become a consultant at Howard Wright and service our ever-growing client bank. As a business, we are very excited to announce this Partnership and we look forward to the opportunities that we can offer the students at the University.” Jo Richards, Director

- In December 2023 Howard Wright is awarded ‘FT Adviser top 100 Status’ in the UK by FT Adviser, an achievement we’ve once again been honored with after achieving this in 2021 also.

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