My First Tip: would be Qualifications. A minimum level of qualifications are required by individuals advising clients. There are additional qualifications that can be attained by those committed to being at the top of their profession. The most qualified advisers are Chartered, like myself and many of the advisers here at Howard Wright. When receiving advice on some of life’s biggest decisions, you want to make sure that whoever is giving the advice is as highly qualified as possible and as experienced as possible. At Howard Wright we have been awarded the status of a Chartered Firm of financial advisers, the gold standard of our industry.
Review Existing Client Experiences
Tip Number 2: If you know and are able to speak to an existing client who is in a similar situation to you this could help you gain real insight as to how the adviser operates. In todays modern world however, if you don’t know anyone that works with that adviser its not a problem, you can simply look at the firms Trust Pilot, Google Reviews or client stories page. This will allow you to gain the insight of not one but a range of different clients. You will be able to see on our website our 5 star google and trust pilot rating along with many client stories and dozens of testimonials.
Tip Number 3: Costs. These can vary dramatically across the industry. Ensure that any costs are clear and identifiable up front. Will you pay by commission or fees? What level of service will you get for the fee you pay. Like most things in life just because tis the cheapest or the most expensive it doesn’t mean it’s the best or the worst. Different advisers will have different changing structures and service levels. Make sure you know what you are getting for your money and that the service meets your needs.
Tip Number 4: Are they an expert? Financial advice covers diverse and often complex areas of advice. If you’re looking for particular advice, how experienced is the adviser in this area? Testimonials and plenty of probing questions should clear this one up, as i have mentioned above you want to ensure your new adviser has looked after and is looking after clients in a similar situation to yourself and that they are happy.
Tip Number 5: Do they have a website? A great deal can be understood about a business from its website. How up to date is it? Have a good look around and see what you think.
At Howard Wright we have taken this to the next level we have included a History page to our website that showcases the history of our firm from the 1930’s to today, our news page where we discuss all relevant financial planning topics, make sure to check out the our team page where you can see our team and how we look after our clients.
How Big is Their Business?
Tip Number 6: How big is their business? Is the adviser one in a large organisation or operating alone? Both have their pros and cons. How many clients do they look after? If they talk about large numbers of clients (more than 200 per adviser), will the adviser be able to provide you with the required level of service? Do they have support staff or colleagues available if the adviser is unavailable? At Howard Wright a core ingredient to our success is through having a team that is built for the future, our clients love the fact that their adviser will most likely be able to service them for the rest of their lifetime.
Use Your Heart
Tip Number 7: Use your heart. People buy people: is the adviser someone you will get on with? Are they on your wavelength and will you enjoy working with them? You could be spending a great deal of time with them over the coming years. If you have some concerns from your first meeting with the adviser they’re probably valid; walk away.
It’s likely you will be putting your financial well being in your advisers hands, so a little additional investigation at outset should hopefully pay dividends later.
Use Your Head
Tip Number 8: Use your head. Address each of these areas outlined and check them off to be certain that you are selecting the right adviser.

How Can Howard Wright Help Me?
Firstly I hope i’ve managed to teach you some of the key things to consider when looking for a financial adviser, as we don’t want you to end up making a mistake.
It would be our pleasure to discuss how we can help you achieve your financial goals through one of our discovery meetings, these are completely free of charge and usually take just under an hour to complete, during this time we will get to know you and what your objectives are. If we feel our Chartered Advisers can help you we will let you know in the meeting and take the next steps to build your financial plan.
The best way to contact me and our Chartered Advisers to book your discovery meeting is to fill in our enquiry form or phone us on 0345 688 4939 we will then be able to book in a call at your earliest convenience. Thank you for taking the time to read this article and I look forwards to hearing from you soon.
This article contains information from sources believed to be reliable but no guarantee, warranty, or representation, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy or completeness. Howard Wright Ltd does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any future statements. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investments can go down as well as up and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated. This article is for information purposes only and has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person as such, the information contained in this article is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment or financial advice. Appropriate personalised advice should be taken before entering into any transactions. No responsibility can be accepted for any loss arising from action taken or refrained from based on this publication. Howard Wright Ltd is Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.